

Many companies in China don’t know that FSC, Free Sales Certificate, is no longer required. Here I gather some information about Thailand FDA registration for your reference.

很多小伙伴来找我们咨询关于泰国注册的时候都会问我们,现在还要不要自由销售证书(Free Sales Certificate,简称FSC)?现在在这里,普瑞君统一回复:FSC不再需要了今天,普瑞君还吐血整理了一些关于泰国注册的相关事宜。

In 2019, the total market size of medical devices in the country reached approximately 1.8 billion U.S. dollars and is forecast to amount to over 3.3 billion U.S. dollars in 2027. As for imports, the United States was also the major source country for medical devices imported to Thailand. This was followed by China.


With its large pharmaceutical market, nationwide health care access, and foreign-friendly regulatory environment, Thailand presents great opportunities for medical companies looking to enter the Thai markets. In addition, as the country’s population grows older and its dependence on medical imports continues to increase, and Thailand’s domestic medical device manufacturers generally only make basic medical products such as syringes and gloves; thus, the country is dependent on foreign imports for complex or high-end medical devices. This provides significant importation opportunities for Chinese medical device manufacturers.


If you are looking to register your medical device product in Thailand, PureID is here to help. Our regulatory consultants can help you through the Thai registration and licensing processes and secure approval for your medical device in the shortest possible time frame.


The new regulations provide for 4 classes of risk (unlike the previous 3) and they apply to both Medical Devices (DM) and in Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices (IVD).

新法规规定了 4 类风险(与之前的 3 类不同),它们适用于医疗器械 (DM) 和体外诊断医疗器械 (IVD)。

Thailand’s medical device registration is managed by the Medical Device Control Division (MDCD) of the Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The regulatory process is based on the Medical Device Act B.E. 2551 (2008) and updated by the Medical Device Act/Ordinance B.E. 2562 (2019) (Issue 2). New regulations recently went into effect on February 15, 2021, bringing closer alignment with the ASEAN Medical Device Directive (AMDD).

泰国的医疗器械注册由泰国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)的医疗器械控制司(MDCD)管理。监管程序基于医疗器械法案 B.E. 2551 (2008) 并由医疗器械法案/条例 B.E. 更新2562 (2019)(第 2 期)。新法规最近于 2021 年 2 月 15 日生效,与东盟医疗器械指令 (AMDD) 更加一致。

An import license must be obtained from the Thai FDA before the device can be imported to, or sold in Thailand.Conformity Assessments under the new regulations will require applications for Class 2-4 products be submitted in the Common Submission Dossier Template (CSDT) format while Class 1 Listed products require less documentation. An Establishment License issued by the Thai FDA of the local registrant and license holder is also required.

在设备可以进口到泰国或在泰国销售之前,必须从泰国 FDA 获得进口许可证。新法规下的合格评定将要求以通用提交档案模板 (CSDT) 格式提交第 2-4 类产品的申请,而第 1 类列出的产品需要较少的文件。还需要当地注册人和许可证持有人的泰国 FDA 颁发的机构许可证。

In Thailand, the product license holder could be the same importer and distributor. PureID can help companies to obtain product license and import products to Thailand.


Application process

1. Applicants must submit the required documents to the Thai FDA service center;

2. The submitted documents are reviewed and recorded by a regulator of the Medical Device Control Division;

3. A staff member records the applicant’s files into a database system, and the applicant is provided with a reference number and receipt;

4. The applicant obtains the letter of approval for importation.

5. The Certificate of Free Sale is no longer required for the registration of medical device in Thai.

  1. 申请人必须向泰国FDA服务中心提交所需文件;
  2. 提交的文件经医疗器械监管部门监管机构审核备案;
  3. 工作人员将申请人的档案录入数据库系统,并为申请人提供参考号和回执;
  4. 申请人取得进口批准函。
  5. 在泰国注册医疗器械不再需要免费销售证书,而是需要通用提交档案模板 (CSDT)。

Benefits of Using PureID as Your Independent License Holder

· Increase transfer pricing

· Improve leverage in distributor negotiations/responses

· Add or change distributors as required

· Keep intellectual property away from local commercial agents

· Assure expert handling of post market vigilance and license maintenance


使用 PureID 作为您的泰国许可证持有者的好处
  • 提高转让定价

  • 发挥经销商谈判/响应中的杠杆作用

  • 根据需要添加或更改分销商

  • 让知识产权远离当地商业代理

  • 确保专家处理上市后的警惕性和许可证维

Contact PureID with questions or a request for support in Thailand. PureID has a fully licensed offices in Bangkok staffed by experienced, bi-lingual regulatory and commercial professionals to offer medical device registration, independent license holding, importing and sales support services in Thailand.




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普瑞纯证是全球首家 SaaS+Data 的新型数字化跨境医疗器械 CRO 企业,我们的全球服务网络分布在包括中国、美国、英国、德国、荷兰、波兰、马耳他、香港等多个国家和地区。

依托法规认证与临床经验丰富的全球顶尖专家服务团队,普瑞纯证为医疗器械、体外诊断、医疗软件 AI 等产品提供全球市场合规准入的全流程咨询服务和海外临床试验等一站式解决方案。100+ 国家准入咨询,1000+ 海外注册/认证成功案例,60万+ 全球经销商大数据,100万+ 全球临床试验数据,300万+ 全球医械注册数据库。从市场战略数据到法规咨询,助力您的产品全方位顺利合规走向全球市场!